Online rpg save editor
Online rpg save editor

online rpg save editor

You can search the value of an item including ( ) and edit these. This will narrow it down to probably 1 result.

online rpg save editor

Can be done by searching your current rep in ( ). You can do this by searching the name of each tech.ĭynasty rep. Technology scores to 10000 to unlock all buildings. Here is a list I’ve complied after some testing: Ok so using this method you can edit a lot of other variables as well that do not appear to effect anything. If you were the WRONG personality type, you will soon reach a dead-end and the game will lose all value. If you were the CORRECT personality type, as I warned earlier in the disclaimer, you will see this as liberating and now the game will be even more enjoyable. In this case you will need to go fish it out of there and manually place it into the save games directory: C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Medieval_Dynasty\Saved\SaveGamesĨ) Quit out to the main menu of the game if you have it loaded and MANUALLY LOAD the new downloaded save. Remember some browsers are very over protective of you and often put files in your "download" directory.


The button to download the saved game is way way way down there.ħ) Download and over-write whatever you have in your directory (remember we made a back up!). don't be too greedy or you will be doing this all again.Ħ) Scroll all the way to the bottom. I am sure that there is an upper limit that will break the game. Change it to the amount of gold you want. Well, now.ĥ) Click on the text in the parenthesis (140345). Yeeeup, 140345 is the amount of Gold I have. This is the one we will edit.ģ) Go to this location on your computer to get to your save files:Ĭ:\Users\\AppData\Local\Medieval_Dynasty\Saved\SaveGamesĤ) In the editor, hit "Ctrl-F" and search for your gold amount (this will get you right to it fast) or search for this string:Ĭount_5_ One of the 18 will be your gold count! Note your exact amount of gold.ġb) Make a new save. you only have yourself to blameġ) Fire up Medieval Dynasty, load your most recent saved game. If you view the gathering of wealth as the ultimate game achievement then do not read further as you will ruin the game for yourself. However, I realize that there are the other type of people. I get more enjoyment just building a little town of folks without any pressures to earn gold. I like to be able to mindlessly wander around planning and building without worrying about the money. Judge your personality type before you use this guide.

Online rpg save editor